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//Securecheck if(!$thumb['width'] && !$thumb['height']) { die("You must set the thumbnail width in the configuration"); } if(!$image['width'] && !$image['height']) { die("You must set the image width in the configuration"); } if(!$rows || !$cols) { die("You must set the rows and columns in the configuration"); } class image_proc { var $type; function open($file) { global $type; $file = str_replace("+"," ",$file); if(function_exists(exif_imagetype) == true && exif_imagetype($file) != false) { $type = exif_imagetype($file); //get the imagetype with exif-support } else { if(strrchr(strtolower($file),".") == ".jpg") $type = 2; elseif(strrchr(strtolower($file),".") == ".jpeg") $type = 2; elseif(strrchr(strtolower($file),".") == ".png") $type = 3; elseif(strrchr(strtolower($file),".") == ".gif") $type = 1; else $type = "not supported"; } // echo "TYPE: \"".$type."\""; switch($type) { case 1: $im = @ImageCreateFromGIF ($file); //open the file to editmode if(!$im){DIE("Image creation failed!");} break; case 2: $im = @ImageCreateFromJPEG ($file); //open the file to editmode if(!$im){DIE("Image creation failed!");} break; case 3: $im = @ImageCreateFromPNG ($file); if(!$im){DIE("Image creation failed!");} break; default: $im = ImageCreate (150, 30); $bgc = ImageColorAllocate ($im, 255, 255, 255); $tc = ImageColorAllocate ($im, 0, 0, 0); ImageFilledRectangle ($im, 0, 0, 150, 30, $bgc); ImageString($im, 1, 5, 5, "Can't open image: $file", $tc); break; } return $im; } function resize($file, $tnx="", $tny="", $img_qual="resample") { global $img_quality; $im = $this->open($file); // get some infos about the original $origwidth = imagesx($im); $origheight = imagesy($im); // calculation for the new data if($tny == "") { $tny = $origheight/($origwidth/$tnx); } if($tnx == "") { $tnx = $origwidth/($origheight/$tny); } // lets make a thumb and resize $im_new = imageCreateTrueColor($tnx, $tny); if ($img_quality == "resample") imageCopyResampled($im_new,$im,"0","0","0","0",$tnx,$tny,$origwidth,$origheight); else imageCopyResized($im_new,$im,"0","0","0","0",$tnx,$tny,$origwidth,$origheight); header("Content-type: image/jpg"); Imagejpeg($im_new); } function output($file, $tnx="", $tny="") { $im = $this->open($file); // get some infos about the original $origwidth = imagesx($im); $origheight = imagesy($im); // calculation for the new data if($tny == "") { $tny = $origheight/($origwidth/$tnx); } if($tnx == "") { $tnx = $origwidth/($origheight/$tny); } // lets make a thumb and resize $im_new = imageCreateTrueColor($tnx, $tny); imagecopyresized($im_new,$im,"0","0","0","0",$tnx,$tny,$origwidth,$origheight); // header("Content-type: image/jpg"); Imagejpeg($im_new); } function getHeight($file,$image_width,$image_height) { if($image_width > 0 && $image_height > 0) { $new['height'] = $image_height; $new['width'] = $image_width; return $new; } $im = $this->open($file); $oheight = imagesy($im); $owidth = imagesx($im); if ($image_width > $owidth) { $image_width = $owidth; } if ($image_height > $oheight) { $image_height = $oheight; } if($image_width > 0) { $new['width'] = $image_width; $new['height'] = ceil($oheight/($owidth/$image_width)); return $new; } if($image_height > 0) { $new['width'] = $owidth/($oheight/$image_height); $new['height'] = $image_height; return $new; } return $new; } } // collect all images in this directory function read_dir() { $path = dirname(_PATH_TRANSLATED); $cdir = dir($path); while($entry = $cdir->read()) { if((!is_dir($entry)) AND ((strrchr(strtolower($entry),".") == ".jpg") OR (strrchr(strtolower($entry),".") == ".jpeg") OR (strrchr(strtolower($entry),".") == ".png"))) { $images[] = urlencode($entry); } } sort($images); return $images; } function get_caption ($filename) { $cap = file('captions.txt'); foreach($cap as $val) { if (strstr($val,$filename)) { $capLen = strlen($val); $filLen = strlen($filename) + 1; $tehCap = substr($val, $filLen, $capLen); return $tehCap; } } return NULL; } if($text_display == "caption") { $captions = file('captions.txt'); foreach($captions as $captiona) { list($key,$val) = explode("|",$captiona); 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